package com.github.badpop.jcoinbase.model.user;
import io.vavr.API;
import io.vavr.collection.Seq;
import io.vavr.control.Option;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import java.util.Optional;
* Coinbase return some resources with a field named resource. This enum represents the possible
* values of this field.
public enum ResourceType {
private static final Seq<ResourceType> values = API.List(values());
private final String resource;
* Retrieve a resource type from a string representation. This method return an Optional
* containing the founded ResourceType, otherwise the Optional will be empty
* @param resource the string representation of the resource type as given by the coinbase api
* @return an Optional containing the ResourceType or empty
public static Optional<ResourceType> fromStringAsJava(final String resource) {
return fromString(resource).toJavaOptional();
* Retrieve a resource type from a string representation. This method return an Option containing
* the founded ResourceType, otherwise the Option will be empty
* @param resource the string representation of the resource type as given by the coinbase api
* @return an Option containing the ResourceType or empty
public static Option<ResourceType> fromString(final String resource) {
return values.find(res -> res.getResource().equalsIgnoreCase(resource));